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Announcement of the 15th AISOFOLL Paper Selection Results


After a double-blind review process, we are delighted to announce the papers selected to be presented at the 15th AISOFOLL on 2–3 October 2024. For authors of the selected papers, please make sure to:

  1. download letter of originality and declaration letter;
  2. send both letters via email to no later than 26 August 2024;
  3. regularly check your email for further information.

We are pleased to present the selected papers as listed in the following table (not in any particular order).

NOTitles of PapersAuthorsAuthors’ Institutions

The Teaching of Exposition Texts in BIPA Class Using Genre-Based Approacha. Ayu Dwi Nastiti
b. Harni Kartika Ningsih
a. Agency for Language Development and Cultivation, Ministry of Education, Cultural, Research, and Technology of Republic of Indonesia
b. Universitas Indonesia, Indonesia

Enhancing Language Skills and Entrepreneurship Abilities in Early Childhood through Market Day ActivitiesAgita ViolyRA Muslimat, Indonesia

Enhancing Feedback Literacy: Integrating Artificial Intelligence (AI) Driven Feedback to Boost Student Engagement in L2 WritingAhmad Syafi'iSTKIP Al Hikmah Surabaya, Indonesia

Investigating Lower Secondary School Students’ Perspectives on Integrating English Songs and Music Videos in ESL Listeninga. Ana Solehah Binti Mohamed Muneer
b. Dr Siti Maftuhah Damio,
c. Muh. Azhar Kholidi
Universiti Teknologi MARA Malaysia, Malaysia

Analysis of Reading with Baby for Literacy InterestAni NovitasariPoliteknik Negeri Lampung, Indonesia

Folklore Story Telling: A Study on the Effectiveness of Traditional Short Story in Enhancing EFL Learners Vocabulary DevelopmentAplonia Nelci Ke LomiWidya Mandira Catholic University, Indonesia

Multimodal Feedback Literacy: Enhancing ESL Students’ Learning in Open and Distance LearningArathai Din EakWawasan Open University, Malaysia

Navigating the Transition: The ESP Learners Experiences from Secondary to Tertiary EducationAtik UlinuhaInstitut Ilmu Kesehatan Bhakti Wiyata Kediri, Indonesia

See, Think, Wonder Thinking Routine: Viewing Skills Strategy for Junior High School StudentsBeny Arum SetianingsihJunior High School 1 Tayu, Indonesia
Mining Demographic Variables Influencing the Prevalent Structural Errors of eleventh grade students’ speech compositionsDavid B. DichosoCabarroguis National School of Arts and Trades, The Philippines
Support for Literacy Development: A Qualitative Study of Families with Children in Conventional School and HomeschoolingDhuha HadiyansyahUniversitas Al Azhar Indonesia, Indonesia
Celebrating the Classroom Literacy Awakening by Book Publication ProjectsDr Dessy Dwi Yudha SanthiSD Negeri Budhi Karya, Indonesia
Empowering Young Minds: Community-Driven Literacy Through Books in a Box Programa. Dr Isry Laila Syathroh
b. Iis Sabiah
Kelas Kreatif Indonesia, Indonesia
Unlocking Success: A Case Study of Family Literacy Practices at HomeDr Laily Amin FajariyahSMP Negeri 5 Panggang, Indonesia
Global Citizenship Values in Digital Picture Books for Young English as A Foreign Language LearnersEvi Karlina AmbarwatiUniversitas Singaperbangsa Karawang, Indonesia
Improving Papuan Students’ Literacy with Small Culture Research-Based LearningFenty Yunia VianarikaSMA Sekolah Anak Indonesia - Yayasan Alirena, Indonesia
Navigating the Pros and Cons of Duolingo: A Case Study from Indonesian Gen Z PerspectivesLaela Hikmah NurbatraLaela Hikmah Nurbatra, Indonesia
EFL Graduate Students’ Inner Speech and Their Implementations: Reflective Stories of Academic Writing DevelopmentLailatun Nurul AniqUniversitas Sebelas Maret, Indonesia
Assessing Multiliteracy among High School Students: A Comprehensive StudyLasma Dwina Rosmalianti TulusitaSMA Negeri 4 Bandar Lampung, Indonesia
Digital Literacy Practices in Higher Education Institutions: Voices from State-Islamic University of Mataram Lecturersa. Muh. Azhar Kholidi
b. Arina Amalina Prihatini
c. Zulfa Azizaturrahmi
a. University of Mataram Indonesia
b. University of Mataram Indonesia
c. Universiti Sultan Zainal Abidin Malaysia
Conventional And Critical Literacy: Negotiating Spaces for Their IntegrationNita Novianti, PhDUniversitas Pendidikan Indonesia, Indonesia
Communicative Language Teaching and Assessment Strategies in Online English as a Foreign Language (EFL) Tutoring Context: Basis in Designing a Language Training MaterialPrecious R. GalloIsabela State University, The Philippines
Multimodal Social Semiotic Analysis of Grammar Teaching in an Indonesian EFL WebsiteRidha Nur AisyiSMP Negeri 21 Mesuji, Indonesia
Literacy Learning and Wetland Awareness Through Android-Based Case Method InstructionRizky AmeliaPoliteknik Negeri Banjarmasin, Indonesia
Elanors: Development of English Reading and Writing Skills for Fourth Grade StudentsSlamet Hari PambudiPakintelan 02 Elementary School, Semarang City, Indonesia
Using Process Genre-Based Approach to Teaching Writing Narrative TextSucinta Diah NuraniUniversitas Pendidikan Indonesia, Indonesia
Enhancing Student Engagement in Narrative Text Literacy Learning Through Quick MakerSyafaruddin MarpaungSMA Negeri 2 Kota Tanjungbalai, Indonesia
Item Response Theory in Literacy Assessment: A Study on Reading Comprehension QuestionsUmi FarisiyahMadrasah Aliyah Al Hikmah 2, Indonesia
Literacy Practices Through Digital Storytelling Project in ELTWiwik MardianaUniversitas Islam Majapahit, Indonesia

We look forward to seeing you, online or offline, at the 15th AISOFOLL. We will send further information via email, so please check your inbox regularly. For other applicants who were not selected, we sincerely appreciate your support and enthusiasm. We look forward to receiving your papers in our upcoming symposium.

Once again, thank you very much and see you at the next AISOFOLL!