“Language Teaching Evaluation: What Do We Need To Measure?”
SEAMEO QITEP in Language
Editorial Board Advisor: Dr Bambang Indriyanto
Editor in-Chief: Endang Nilla P., Indrani D. Anggraini
Managing Editor: Estiningsih Suprandini, Talitha Ardelia Syifa R., Winda Mariam S.
Editor: Itra Safitri, Nirwansyah, Rahadian Adetya, Rizma Angga Puspita, Susi Fauziah
Graphic Designer: Erry Novriansyah, Nanda Pramuchtia
IT: Hana Alfiyanthi
Publisher: SEAMEO QITEP in Language
Santika Hotel, Depok, West Java, Indonesia
2-3 November 2016
Table of Contents
Abstract and Full Papers
A. Keynote Speakers
Plenary Session 1
Evaluation-The Weakest Link in The Language Curriculum Continuum Ang-Tay May Yin, PhD |
JF Japanese E-Learning Minato – a Place to Learn and Meet Masayo HIROKAGA |
B. Presenter
I. Parallel session 1 – Room 1
Implementation of Computer Based Multimedia in Class Production Orale Pré Élémentaire Dr Evi Eviyanti |
Anita, MPd |
II. Parallel session 1 – Room 2
Assessment on the Basis of Competence knowledge of Writing of French Language Dra Diah Natalia |
Hamamah, PhD and Ika Nurhayani, PhD |
Megawati, SPd |
III. Parallel session 1 – Room 3
Drs Andri Defrioka, MPd |
English Teachers’ Perception on the Assessment of Pronounciationin Oral Communication Classes Nurdiana, SPsi, MHum |
Raden Rara Dewi Sartika, MPd |
Developing Authentic Assessment for Elementary School Students’ Arabic Language Competence Raswan, MPd, MPdI |
IV. Parallel session 1 – Room 4
Iffah Saliimah, MPd |
Correlation Between Internet in Japanese Song with the Ability of Listening Sri Aju Indrowati, MPd |
Sri Astuti, MPd |
Different Approaches to Classroom Action Reserah: from Execution to Reporting Dr Ardi Marwan |
V. Parallel session 2 – Room 1
The Meaning behind Word Arigatou in Japanese Dra Nalti Novianti, MSi |
The Mastery of Emoticon Word by the Students of Indonesian Language for Foreigners Mirta Nuril Maghfiroh |
U’um Qomariyah, SPd, MHum |
VI. Parallel session 2 – Room 2
Total Physical Response as an Ice-Breaker in Foreign Language Class Maya Rizky Fauzia, MPd |
Nia Budiana, MPd |
Dr Nugraheni Eko Wardhani, MHum |
Peningkatan Kemampuan Berbicara Bahasa Mandarin Melalui Model Pembelajaran Quantum Learning Nurina Delia Utami, SPd |
VII. Parallel session 2 – Room 3
The Use of Oral Communication Strategies Across Students of Different Proficiencies Siti Rohani, SPd, MPd, PhD |
Materi Ajar Berbicara Bahasa Mandarin Berbasis Pendekatan Kuantum Tri Budianingsih |
Wati Istanti, MPd |
VIII. Parallel session 2 – Room 4
The English Writing Ability of Indonesian Scientists Dr Yudi Setyaningsih and Prof Dr Eugenius Sadtono |
A Study of the Arabic Academic Writing Problems of Islamic University Students Zakiya Arifa, MPd |
Peer Review = Critical Thinking and Academic Writing Skills Dra Cessi Triani, MPd | |
Students’ Speaking Ability Reflected in Guiding Practice Melany, SSTPar, MMTr |