Presentation Slides
Room 1
- Peningkatan Keterampilan Menulis Bahasa Prancis dalam Materi Decrire Une Personne melalui Media Kahoot (Agustina Pramu Indah)
- Using ICT to Promote HOTS based-Learning Process: Cartoonize Your Holiday Story (Fitria Lusanda)
- Implementation of 4C Learning to Improve Motivation and Learning Outcomes Using Sparkol & CL3 (Amaliah)
- HOTS-based Digital Storytelling Project to Improve Students’ English Productive Skills at Grade IX of SMPN 5 Panggang, Gunungkidul (Laily Amin Fajariyah)
Room 2
- Peningkatan Keterampilan Menulis Bahasa Prancis dalam Materi Decrire Une Personne melalui Media Kahoot (Agustina Pramu Indah)
- Using ICT to Promote HOTS based-Learning Process: Cartoonize Your Holiday Story (Fitria Lusanda)
- Implementation of 4C Learning to Improve Motivation and Learning Outcomes Using Sparkol & CL3 (Amaliah)
- HOTS-based Digital Storytelling Project to Improve Students’ English Productive Skills at Grade IX of SMPN 5 Panggang, Gunungkidul (Laily Amin Fajariyah)
Room 3
- Peningkatan Keterampilan Menulis Bahasa Prancis dalam Materi Decrire Une Personne melalui Media Kahoot (Agustina Pramu Indah)
- Using ICT to Promote HOTS based-Learning Process: Cartoonize Your Holiday Story (Fitria Lusanda)
- Implementation of 4C Learning to Improve Motivation and Learning Outcomes Using Sparkol & CL3 (Amaliah)
- HOTS-based Digital Storytelling Project to Improve Students’ English Productive Skills at Grade IX of SMPN 5 Panggang, Gunungkidul (Laily Amin Fajariyah)
Room 1
- Peningkatan Keterampilan Menulis Bahasa Prancis dalam Materi Decrire Une Personne melalui Media Kahoot (Agustina Pramu Indah)
- Using ICT to Promote HOTS based-Learning Process: Cartoonize Your Holiday Story (Fitria Lusanda)
- Implementation of 4C Learning to Improve Motivation and Learning Outcomes Using Sparkol & CL3 (Amaliah)
- HOTS-based Digital Storytelling Project to Improve Students’ English Productive Skills at Grade IX of SMPN 5 Panggang, Gunungkidul (Laily Amin Fajariyah)
Room 2
- Peningkatan Keterampilan Menulis Bahasa Prancis dalam Materi Decrire Une Personne melalui Media Kahoot (Agustina Pramu Indah)
- Using ICT to Promote HOTS based-Learning Process: Cartoonize Your Holiday Story (Fitria Lusanda)
- Implementation of 4C Learning to Improve Motivation and Learning Outcomes Using Sparkol & CL3 (Amaliah)
- HOTS-based Digital Storytelling Project to Improve Students’ English Productive Skills at Grade IX of SMPN 5 Panggang, Gunungkidul (Laily Amin Fajariyah)
Room 3
- Peningkatan Keterampilan Menulis Bahasa Prancis dalam Materi Decrire Une Personne melalui Media Kahoot (Agustina Pramu Indah)
- Using ICT to Promote HOTS based-Learning Process: Cartoonize Your Holiday Story (Fitria Lusanda)
- Implementation of 4C Learning to Improve Motivation and Learning Outcomes Using Sparkol & CL3 (Amaliah)
- HOTS-based Digital Storytelling Project to Improve Students’ English Productive Skills at Grade IX of SMPN 5 Panggang, Gunungkidul (Laily Amin Fajariyah)
Room 1
- Improving Listening Skills on HOTS-based Items through WhatsApp; a Literature Review (Rani Nurhayati)
- Writing Argumentative Essay Through Blended Learning with High Order Thinking Skills (HOTS) (Ani Novitasari & Irawansyah)
- Using Bloom’s Digital Taxonomy in Social Media Applications to Elevate Students’ Writing Skills (Helda Jolanda Pentury & Anastasia Dewi Anggraeni)
Room 2
- Teachers’ Questioning in Stimulating EFL Students’ Thinking (Laxmi Mustika Cakrawati)
- Using Creative Questions for Developing Student Thinking in Classroom Action Research Class (Jutatip Suangsuwan)
Room 3
- Building Critical Cultural Awareness of German Learners Towards Indonesian Culture through BIPA Learning (Ellis Reni Artyana)
- Potret Implementasi Pembelajaran BIPA di Pusat Kebudayaan Indonesia, Cairo Mesir (Dr Ahmad Ghozi)
- ABC Kartei dengan Integrasi Teknologi Augmented Reality untuk Pembelajaran Budaya Jerman-Indonesia (Lilis Afifah & Sri Pramewari Indriwardani)
Room 4
Room 1
- Writing Blog Project Based Learning to Increase Junior High School Students’ Higher Order Thinking Skills( Widayati)
- Writing Blog Project Based Learning to Increase Junior High School Students’ Higher Order Thinking Skills( Widayati)
- Japan’s Youtube Viewing to Observe Danseigo (Male Language) and Joseigo (Female Language) (Sri Aju Indrowaty)
Room 2
- Teknik Scrapbooking untuk Meningkatkan Keterampilan Menyusun Teks Biografi Siswa Kelas X AKL 2 SMKN 8, Jakarta (Fitri Nuur Alimah)
- Anti-Corruption Literacy Learning Model in Writing Fantasy Texts to Improve Higher Order Thinking Skills (Faiqotur Rosidah)
- Penerapan Photovoice Sebagai Teknik untuk Meningkatkan Kemampuan Menulis Teks Hortatory Exposition (Dewi Apriliana Ujianti)
Room 3
- Promoting Secondary EFL Students’ Thinking Skills Oriented to Computer-based National Examination (Moch. Said Mardjuki)
- Investigating LOTS and HOTS Items in an English National Exam (Dr Hananto)
- Pragmatic Functions of Prosodic Features in SHS Teachers’ Questions (Crizel C. Mojares)
Room 4
- Exploring the Use of ICT in EFL Classrooms: Teachers’ Readiness, Implementation, and Challenges (Anggi Arigusman, Didi Suherdi & Pupung Purnawarman)
- Higher-Order Thinking Skills (HOTS): EFL Pre-Service Teachers’ Conception and Attitudes (Tomy Kartika Putra, Septhina Shinta Sari & Wisma Wijayanti)
- Pharmacy Students’ Perception of Google Classroom in a Flipped Classroom Model (Atik Ulinuha)
Room 1
- Peningkatan Keterampilan Menulis Bahasa Prancis dalam Materi Decrire Une Personne melalui Media Kahoot (Agustina Pramu Indah)
- Using ICT to Promote HOTS based-Learning Process: Cartoonize Your Holiday Story (Fitria Lusanda)
- Implementation of 4C Learning to Improve Motivation and Learning Outcomes Using Sparkol & CL3 (Amaliah)
- HOTS-based Digital Storytelling Project to Improve Students’ English Productive Skills at Grade IX of SMPN 5 Panggang, Gunungkidul (Laily Amin Fajariyah)
Room 2
- Peningkatan Keterampilan Menulis Bahasa Prancis dalam Materi Decrire Une Personne melalui Media Kahoot (Agustina Pramu Indah)
- Using ICT to Promote HOTS based-Learning Process: Cartoonize Your Holiday Story (Fitria Lusanda)
- Implementation of 4C Learning to Improve Motivation and Learning Outcomes Using Sparkol & CL3 (Amaliah)
- HOTS-based Digital Storytelling Project to Improve Students’ English Productive Skills at Grade IX of SMPN 5 Panggang, Gunungkidul (Laily Amin Fajariyah)
Room 3
- Peningkatan Keterampilan Menulis Bahasa Prancis dalam Materi Decrire Une Personne melalui Media Kahoot (Agustina Pramu Indah)
- Using ICT to Promote HOTS based-Learning Process: Cartoonize Your Holiday Story (Fitria Lusanda)
- Implementation of 4C Learning to Improve Motivation and Learning Outcomes Using Sparkol & CL3 (Amaliah)
- HOTS-based Digital Storytelling Project to Improve Students’ English Productive Skills at Grade IX of SMPN 5 Panggang, Gunungkidul (Laily Amin Fajariyah)
Room 4
- Peningkatan Keterampilan Menulis Bahasa Prancis dalam Materi Decrire Une Personne melalui Media Kahoot (Agustina Pramu Indah)
- Using ICT to Promote HOTS based-Learning Process: Cartoonize Your Holiday Story (Fitria Lusanda)
- Implementation of 4C Learning to Improve Motivation and Learning Outcomes Using Sparkol & CL3 (Amaliah)
- HOTS-based Digital Storytelling Project to Improve Students’ English Productive Skills at Grade IX of SMPN 5 Panggang, Gunungkidul (Laily Amin Fajariyah)
Room 1
- Implementation of Computer Based Multimedia in Class Production Orale PRÉ ÉLÈMENTAIRE (Evi Eviyanti)
- Process of Students’ Attitude Change toward Portofolios Introduced in the JF Language Courses: Toward New Possibility of Assessing Language Learning (Katagiri Junji)
Room 2
- Assessment on the Basis of Competence Knowledge of Writing of French Language (Diah Natalia)
- Using Rubrics In Assesing Students’ Writing to Enhance Students’ Awareness of The Instructional Goals (Hamamah, PhD and Ika Nurhayani, PhD)
- Authentic assessment as an alternative assessment toward variety of English in English Language Teaching (Megawati, SPd)
Room 3
- Developing Communicative Language Test and High Order Thinking Skills for Vocational Senior High School (Drs Andri Defrioka, MPd)
- English Teachers’ Perception on the Assesment of Pronounciation in Oral Communication Classes (Nurdiana SPsi, MHum)
- Implementing Task-Based Learning and Assessment in Writing and Students’ Response as as Evaluation to the Teacher’s Learning Process (Raden Rara Dewi Sartika, SPd, MPd)
- تطوير نموذج التقييم الأصيل للدارسين في المدرسة الابتدائية في المهارات العربية Pengembangan Model Penilaian Auntentik Keterampilan Bahasa Arab bagi Siswa SD/MI (Raswan, MPd, MPdI)
Room 4
Room 1
- The Meaning Behind Word Arigatou in Japanese (Nalti Novianti)
- The Mastery of Emotion Word by The Students of Indonesian Language for Foreigners (Mirta Nuril Maghfiroh)
- Indonesian Language Learning Innovation for Foreign Speakers (BIPA) in Writing Aspect Based on Cultural Consevation through Strategy in Writing Rhymes (U’um Qomariyah, SPd, MHum)
Room 2
- Total Physical Respones as an Ice-Breaker in Foreign Language Class (Maya Rizky Fauzia, MPd)
- Improving Students’ Storytelling Skill on Elementary School by Using Take and Give Methods Based Enviromental Education (Nia Budiana, MPd)
- R and P Learning Model Based on Contemporary Puppet Show for the Students of Bahasa Indonesia for Non-Native Speakers to Improve the Understanding of Indonesian Culture (Dr Nugraheni Eko Wardani, MHum)
- Peningkatan Kemampuan Berbicara Bahasa Mandarin Melalui Model Pembelajaran Quantum Learning (Nurina Delia Utami, SPd)
Room 3
- The Use of Oral Communication Strategies Across Students of Diffrent Proficiencies (Siti Rohani, SPd, MPd, PhD)
- Materi Ajar Berbicara Bahasa Mandarin Berbasis Pendekatan Kuantum (Tri Budianingsih)
- Story Telling Cerita Fabel Berwawasan Budi Pekerti dengan Media Boneka Tangan sebagai Implementasi Kesantunan Berbahasa (Wati Istanti, SPd, MPd)